A win-win-win concept for the health and safety of people, our economy, and our environment.
Gives cities clear guidance for protecting health and safety as Oregon’s economy prospers.
The legislative concept will establish health and safety protections for Oregonians in Goal 9 land use decisions for economic development, if a city decides to zone land for industrial use within 1000 feet of a public or private school property, child care facility, hospital, residential care facility, or land zoned for residential use.
Goal 9
Goal 9—Economic Development in Oregon’s land use planning program—seeks to ensure that cities have enough land available within their Urban Growth Boundaries (UGBs) to foster viable economic growth and development over a 20-year horizon. Cities conduct Economic Opportunity Analysis (EAO) to forecast the need for employment land and designate land based on the forecasted need.
The Planning for Healthy Communities Act will adopt a statewide response that upholds state land goals for economic development while protecting sensitive communities by addressing disparate and cumulative impacts.

Finding Solutions
Incompatible industrial zoning continues to harm vulnerable Oregon communities. Not only do such communities face more pollution, but they are generally more susceptible to negative health impacts from that pollution due to socio-demographic factors and/or pre-existing health conditions. It’s time to adopt model policies enacted in other cities and states that are protecting and safeguarding neighborhoods facing disproportionate public health and safety risks.
Air Pollution
Addresses increases in air pollution associated with industrial land use siting.
Limits industrial land in communities experiencing urban heat island effect and extreme heat due to low tree canopy.
Addresses increases in traffic accidents and fatalities associated with frequent truck and equipment movement.
Help establish health and safety protections in Goal 9 land use decisions.
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