Establishes health and safety protections in Oregon land use decisions

Healthy Communities Act

This legislative concept improves Goal 9 by adding clear direction for cities to address potential health and environmental justice impacts when industrial uses are proposed next to homes, hospitals, care facilities or schools. The concept combines technical and community knowledge to quickly identify land use conflicts and possible impacts through early detection and intervention.

This modernized approach enhances the health and safety for Oregonians, brings certainty for business, and relieves cities of complaints and litigation.

When making land use decisions, cities must

  1. Consider impacts analysis and mitigation measures that account for, at minimum, pollution exposure, traffic and pedestrian safety, diesel emissions, noise, vibration, glare/light and urban heat island effects generated by the use.

  2. Establish public health safeguards the industrial use applicant must meet to mitigate the identified off-site impacts on sensitive sites within 1000 feet of the proposed industrial use.

  3. Oregonians who live in these qualifying areas will now have an opportunity to have localized conversations with their city/town about possible off-site impacts and mitigation strategies.

Otherwise, cities may continue to zone and permit uses based on existing processes.