• How does this impact housing?

    The proposed legislation will not affect the siting, permitting, or development of housing. It will provide additional protections for existing residents by reducing conflicts with industrial uses.

  • How would this impact existing businesses?

    This proposed legislation would affect existing businesses that seek a change in zoning or use from non-industrial to industrial.

  • Will this restrict or impede the volume of available industrial land?

    No. The bill would not mandate a restriction or reduction of industrial zoned lands. The proposed bill would strengthen existing provisions to protect industrial uses from encroachment by non-industrial uses, and similarly protect sensitive sites from encroachment from industrial uses. This will help alleviate conflicts associated with industrial zoning, making industrial development more predictable for companies and communities.

  • I have a question that hasn't been answered here yet.

    This FAQ section is a work in progress, and we hope to continue expanding as we meet with more folks. Keep an eye on this space for new additions!